The Marketing ‘Army of One’ and The Team's Hard Truths Made Easy
How many times have you been in a marketing strategy meeting or creative session where one person says “I don't like that idea,” or “I...
Answers to Your Most Burning Customer Questions
Did you know that wonder is a form of fear? Basically, it’s a form of fear born out of our innate need to know something that we know we...
Emotional Data Informs and Supports the Meaning of Your Brand
The word Brand has a lot of meanings. It's kind of annoying really that 'Brand' is sometimes used to describe a logo on a plastic cup....
True Story. Funnel Drop-Off % Reduced with Predictive
The names have been removed but the story is real. The digital ads were working! Leads were moving down the 7-stage funnel. New clients...
WHY Your Customers Buy. (and other burning questions you own the answers to)
What are the real reasons our customers buy from us?
Marketing Mystery Out. ROI In.
the good news is the customer emotive responses that can inform your unique data sets are literally sitting in the minds of your buyers.
Brand Alignment? Consider the Flagpole Analogy
The often unseen internal support of your company’s brand must be in line with how your brand is viewed by your constituents.
Developing A Value Proposition from Your Most Valuable Source
Beyond just the creation of a powerful value proposition, the full weight of real marketing is found in these quotes, in my opinion, because