Theorem Stands for Actionable Marketing Data
The world of marketing is no easy space to play in.
But after years of building on an idea, years of working toward it and years of working together, we are ready to announce our new company and a cutting edge approach to marketing and communications -- a new kind of offer that changes the meaning and effect of marketing going forward.
That said, allow us to introduce our new company, Theorem!
Why Theorem? Well when you read the definition of the word, hopefully it will become evident.
A theorem is a general proposition that is not self-evident, but proved by a chain of reasoning, or deduced from the premises or assumptions of a system.
As longtime friends, colleagues and kindred marketing spirits, we have always agreed that science must come first in order to make the art or creative pertinent and effective. We think you’ll agree that by putting the horse before the cart in this way, we’ve developed something special.
Remember the old quote from John Wanamaker? Who? It goes like this: “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half”. That witty quote stopped being funny long ago particularly because marketers and advertisers entered the digital age and now measure quantitative and qualitative customer behavior analytics, employ lead tracking, use marketing automation tools, all to measure ROI.
But is it enough to know just the what or when or how about customer behavior?
What about knowing why they buy? And if you could know the why, what about knowing with certainty that your core business functions and people are precisely dialed in to support that why? What about knowing that your team members were built to support those core business functions? And all this before developing or re-creating marketing strategy or budget.
Here's a way to bring it into focus. What if your marketing and sales teams could be a much more effective unified force, in an environment where the company’s brand could be deeply rooted as far down as R&D and operations while becoming one with the personalities and skills of leadership and staff across the company?
The digital age comes with many significant benefits that help to measure what comes through the door. But understanding why it comes is exponentially more valuable since it focuses on a much different source, much further upstream from clicks and counts. And these answers will change the landscape for the better, guaranteed.
Theorem is staking a claim for profound marketing research. More accurately, we will gather the indisputable evidence that will direct your strategy, creativity and messaging so that your internal marketing and sales teams experience a whole new reality of harmony and success.
Our proposition is this: Marketing and sales are two sides of the same coin and if they’re not harmonized for measurable results, then something is broken and we can fix it. Our system or chain of reasoning to prove it is marketing research methodology. It will lift the veil, clear the smoke and reveal a state of reality that can be reduced to one word: actionable.
Believe it or not, you’ve got most if not all the answers to greater success within your grasp. We look forward to the opportunity to help you put it all in place.