Marketing Mystery Out. ROI In.
If you're in a business marketing leadership role then you've got a lot on your plate. But when all is boiled down, you have one very precise responsibility. To know why your customers buy. Everything else flows from this knowledge.
The questions that follow focus on the accuracy of your messaging, whether your company internally supports this knowledge and whether your individual team members are on board with the specific actions they must take each day to support the team’s customer-driven goals.
What messages are most emotionally resonant with your customers?
Which segments, roles or industries are most likely to buy?
What if multiple decision makers assign value according to their unique and disparate roles?
Why is the new product not selling the way you expected it to?
What mediums would be most mathematically effective with your marketing and advertising spend?
These are examples of burning questions many businesses find difficult to answer. Your particular burning questions are likely more nuanced but whatever they are, knowing the answers will give great insight.
Being able to focus on the right prospects and products inside of the appropriate segments, and honing your messaging to represent only those things that make the biggest impact on your business -- this is marketing success and the good news is the customer emotive responses that can inform your unique data sets are literally sitting in the minds of your buyers.
It simply comes down to leveraging how your customers feel about you, relaying the right messaging to the right targets, and internally supporting your brand promises with engaged teams and committed team members.
What are you burning questions?