True Story. Funnel Drop-Off % Reduced with Predictive
The names have been removed but the story is real.
The digital ads were working!
Leads were moving down the 7-stage funnel.
New clients were closing.
But the drop-offs. They seemed high.
Something about the ads was attracting leads.
But a higher than average percentage of people were lost in stages 2 and 3 and 4 of the funnel.
They must have had an interest.
But somehow a disconnect was causing them to abandon the journey.
What do you do here? Test? Tweak?
What can the existing data tell us about what is going on?
Not a whole lot, really.
They’re dropping off. But why?
It’s not an analytics question.
So the team came together, collaborated with the client, and went to work to uncover the emotional data that preceded the potential customer’s engagement in the funnel.
An Emotional Funnel Analysis™.
Pulling the attribution apart from the obstacles.
And then the predictive study yielded something amazing.
The answers all pointed in the same direction. It was clear as day.
The ads were attracting two different types of customers!
The funnel was only catering to one of the types!
The thought was that everyone wanted the managed product.
But NO! That was not the case!
Some wanted to do it themselves.
The funnel didn’t have anything for these guys!
The product wasn’t originally built for that.
Ideation: Tweak the product so that people who want to manage their own stuff..., can do it.
Action: Create new options and new copy in the funnel.
Result: New customers. Measurably reduced drop-offs.
The End.
PS. The investment for the predictive study was recouped within the first day of employing the new strategy. Not bad.
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